
Child and Adolescent Behavior Disorders

Psychiatry, Mental Health and Wellness Clinic & Psychiatry located in Houston, TX

Child and Adolescent Behavior Disorders
Child and Adolescent Behavior Disorders services offered in Houston, TX

Suppose your child displays continual or frequently recurring unwanted behaviors that disrupt home and school life and cause persistent disharmony. In that case, visiting a child and adolescent behavior disorders expert like Keilah Ford, DNP, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC, of KADDs Wellness in Houston, Texas, might benefit you. If you think your child or teen has a behavioral disorder, contact Dr. Ford at KADDs Wellness to arrange an evaluation. You can also book a telehealth or in-person appointment online today.

Child and Adolescent Behavior Disorders Q & A

What are child and adolescent behavior disorders?

Most children can occasionally be defiant, uncooperative, over-energized, or hostile. Behaviors like these are typically part of a child’s development and are usually infrequent and controllable.

However, children who persistently exhibit these and other problematic behaviors might have a behavioral disorder requiring expert diagnosis and treatment.


What problems do child and adolescent behavior disorders cause?

Common child and adolescent behavior disorder symptoms include:

  • Arguing with authority figures
  • Frustration and irritability
  • Restlessness and constant fidgeting
  • Hyperactivity
  • Bullying
  • Lying and/or cheating
  • Not following instructions
  • Blaming others
  • Difficulties focusing
  • Frequent, excessive temper tantrums
  • Verbal and/or physical aggression

Parents and caregivers frequently find coping with these behavioral issues immensely challenging. The stress and worry often affect their mental health.


What might be causing my child’s behavioral issues?

Child and adolescent behavior disorders include the following conditions:

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

ADHD causes problems with inattention (difficulty concentrating), hyperactivity (excessive energy and restlessness), and/or impulsivity (acting without thinking). ADHD starts in childhood but typically continues to cause problems in adulthood.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

ASD causes communication and social interaction problems. These can range from difficulties fitting in at school to severe disabilities where children can’t talk or care for themselves.

Asperger’s syndrome is high-functioning autism, where children and adults are often very bright but struggle to understand others’ emotions and lack social skills.


Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

Children with ODD habitually defy their parents and other authority figures, regardless of the consequences. They can be hostile toward other children.

Child and adolescent behavioral problems can also be symptomatic of other mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety.


What help is available for child and adolescent behavior disorders?

Treatment varies depending on your child’s condition and needs. Play therapy allows younger children to express their feelings even when they can’t talk. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and solution-focused skills help older children and adolescents understand and control problem emotions and behaviors.

Some patients might require medication. For example, stimulants can improve brain function in those with ADHD. Prescribing for children isn’t like adult prescribing because drugs can affect young people differently, so it’s vital to visit an expert like Dr. Ford.

KADDs Wellness services are mainly available through telehealth. However, some conditions require an in-person visit and follow-ups for medications like stimulants and other controlled substances.

Call KADDs Wellness today or book an appointment online for expert child and adolescent behavior disorder care.