

Psychiatry, Mental Health and Wellness Clinic & Psychiatry located in Houston, TX

Schizophrenia services offered in Houston, TX

Welcome to KADDs Wellness, where experienced mental health professionals are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care for individuals facing challenges associated with schizophrenia. Keilah Ford, DNP, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC, understands the complexities of this condition and offers an evidence-based approach that integrates psychotherapy, coaching, and psychiatry to promote holistic well-being. To learn more, call the Houston, Texas, office or request an appointment online today. Telehealth services are also available.

Schizophrenia Q & A

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder characterized by distorted thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It can significantly impact an individual's ability to function in daily life. 

KADDs Wellness is committed to offering personalized and evidence-based interventions to help individuals manage and navigate the complexities of schizophrenia. Providers take a holistic approach to care, making treatment feel tailored to the individual and their unique health needs and goals.


How can psychotherapy help individuals with schizophrenia?

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with schizophrenia. Skilled therapists work collaboratively with clients to explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, providing a safe space for expression. 

Through psychotherapy, individuals can develop coping strategies, enhance interpersonal skills, and better understand their experiences.

Therapy and coaching sessions focus on building coping mechanisms tailored to the unique challenges of schizophrenia. By addressing stressors, managing symptoms, and improving communication, individuals can enhance their overall quality of life.


How does psychiatry contribute to the treatment of schizophrenia?

In conjunction with psychotherapy, psychiatry plays a vital role in the treatment of schizophrenia. 

KADDs Wellness evaluates individual needs and recommends medications to alleviate symptoms and stabilize mood. Regular psychiatric sessions ensure ongoing monitoring and adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

Your provider utilizes an evidence-based, highly personalized, holistic medicine approach to care that involves close collaboration between psychotherapists and psychiatrists. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of each individual's needs and allows for a coordinated effort to provide the most effective treatment.

KADDs Wellness uses GeneSight testing, a psychotropic test, to help your practitioner determine which medication will work best based on your genetic makeup.


Can individuals with schizophrenia lead fulfilling lives?

Through psychotherapy, psychiatry, and holistic medicine, providers aim to help individuals manage their symptoms and achieve their personal goals. With the proper treatment, individuals with schizophrenia can lead fulfilling lives. 

KADDs Wellness is dedicated to empowering clients by fostering resilience, enhancing coping skills, and providing ongoing support.

If you or a loved one is seeking support for schizophrenia, KADDs Wellness is here to help. Dedicated professionals are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to guide individuals toward better mental health.

Take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. Contact the office by phone or online today and schedule a consultation. In-person and telehealth services are available.